Monday, August 1, 2011

Gencon Road Trip 2011 (the prequel)

OK, it Monday morning of Gencon week. That mean gamers across the country are closely watching the clock and counting the minutes until they pack up their dice and start the pilgrimage to Indianapolis.

So what does this mean for you (if you are not going)? Well you can live vicariously through me (maybe not the idea at times). I am planning on participating in a few events, hanging out with a couple of the manufacturers, and taking a bunch of pictures so you can see what is going on.

Now I am going with some things planned, but there is going to be a good amount of time where I'll be wandering around. You can help me during this time by giving me a purpose. Without said purpose, I will spend WAY too much money, so I need you to do the following:
1. Give me ideas on what you want to see. Want pics of a new board game, new minis or just random pics of cosplay girls...tell me.
2. Give me questions to ask. Many designers are there and I'll be there to annoy them. So if you have any questions pass them along.

The best two ways to do this is to either comment on the article OR comment on our Facebook page (click HERE).

Now you may ask "What does Carl have planned?" is roughly what I am looking forward to:
1. The new Mistborn RPG by Crafty Games.
2. Playing in the Game of Thrones LCG joust tournament (with the Springfield War Host- Valar Midwestros).
3. New Privateer Press stuff and seeing the results of the Warmachine Gencon Masters event.
4. Checking out Super Dungeon Explore by Soda Pop Miniatures.
5. Checking out Sedition Wars by Studio McVey.
6. Hanging out with the Mantic guys and checking out Warpath.
7. Going to a bunch of cool seminars.
8. Fighting the crowd Wednesday at the RAM.
9. Not sleeping much.
10. The White Wolf party.

Get on it and let me know what you want. There might even be prizes involved for people that contribute (wink, wink).

More coming Wednesday!



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